Sunday, August 28, 2011

Full Term ... and Nearing D-Day #1

I am now 37 weeks, and that means I am full term. I'm pretty excited to know that all will be okay, if Sissy Wally decides to join us. This little Walnut is fully cooked ... and even though I would be happier if she stayed in there until we completely moved to Tampa, it's good to know that there should be no problems if she is born any day now. Yesterday, Colton lifted my shirt up to see my belly, as he does quite often. He rubs my tummy and gives it kisses. When I ask him, "Who's in there?" He says, "Baby Sister!" Then he says, "Come out. I want to play with you!" I'm not sure he really knows what he's in for, but it's so cute to see him give her kisses and ask her to play already. I know he will be the best big brother! Sissy Wally is doing well. She continues to move and kick around in there. Other than that, no change in status or update. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so I'll let you all know how that goes. I'm not expecting much change. I hope she's still happy to stay in there ... at least for another week and a half. If she can make it through close on our house here in Orlando, I'll be a very happy Mommy!
Okay, this is not the best picture of me for my 37 week photo, but today, I was out weed-eating and picking weeds ... and I look all melty and yucky. So, for now, you'll have to do with this picture of me at the park yesterday. It's the best I have right now.

On Sabbath afternoon, the humidity finally calmed down a bit, and we went for a nice Sabbath walk and to the park to play. Cole loves, loves, loves the slides! He could go down them over and over for hours. He likes to throw bits of small sticks and acorns down them first before he ventures down and then ... of course, he expects Daddy to follow right behind. He zips down the slide while Daddy says, "Here comes Colton!" When Colton gets to the bottom, he looks up to the top of the slide, and he enthusiastically says, "Here comes DADDY!" He is actually getting quite better at swinging. He will willing walk over to the swings, and he lets me or Daddy put him in. Then he will say, "Wee!" ... at least for a little while, he smiles and seems to be having fun. Then he wants down. It used to be he cried as we placed him in the swing, so I count this as a win for swinging! He, also, has to ride the dinosaur every time we're there. It's funny, because Billy always makes a sound when he rocks the dinosaur back and forth ... and Colton, now, makes that sound, too. It's very cute!
Running off and headed to the slide as soon as we got there.
Ready to head down the slide!
Look at that gorgeous smile!
Yay! Headed down the medium slide!
"Wee!" he squeals all the way down the slide.
What fun! Waiting for Daddy to come down the slide, too.
Peeking at Mommy through the rails.
Ready to go down the "BIG" tornado slide.
And he's off ...
Here comes Colton!
I guess this is what little boys do ... Colton picks up all of the sticks and acorns he can .... then ....
He runs them over ....
to Daddy!
Colton enjoying his ride on the dinosaur!
Big cheesy smile on the swing! Yay, for Colton liking the swings again!

After the park, Brenda came over to visit, and we all had dinner together. It was nice to see her. We haven't seen her in a few weeks, and it seems like her pregnancy is coming along well. She should find out sometime in September what she's having. I suppose the guesses will be coming in soon.

Just 2 1/2 more days until we close on our house in Tampa! I'm pretty excited to have a place to live down there. I will spend some time over Labor Day weekend painting the kids' rooms. It will be much easier with only myself to worry about. I will miss Billy and Colton ... as they will be celebrating Dad H's 60th birthday in Minnesota, but it will go much faster without Colton around to "help" paint. Once we close in Tampa, we'll only have 1 week before we close here in Orlando. Time is going by so quickly! I have plenty to do today and this Monday and Tuesday. I would like to get most of the rest of the house packed, so all I have to do is find the small items here and there during and after Labor Day weekend.

This morning, I ran to Publix (our grocery store) to get some boxes. While I was gone, Colton was being a "big help" to Daddy while Daddy swept up from edging our yard. I guess, Billy heard Colton sneezing over and over again. He thought he must have some grass allergies or something. Come to find out, Cole had picked up the dust pan full of cut grass and dirt, and he had thrown it full in his own face! His face was COVERED in dirt/grass/ants/mud and sweat. What a silly boy!
Colton's dirty face.
Look at all of that sandy dirt around his eyes!
Even when he's a mess, he's a cute mess!
Colton did get some sweeping in to help Daddy clean up ... but mostly he just ruined the piles of yard waste that Billy had already swept. At least he tried ... and I know that, for now, he loves to help Mommy and Daddy outside! I hope that continues into his future.
Big boy Colton helps Daddy sweep the front sidewalks.

Well, I'm off to Target, Pinch-a-Penny (our pool store), and Caleb & Elizabeth's house ... errands never seem to be completely done around here. Then I hope to get some of the dresser painted this evening. Hopefully, Billy can take a little nap while I run errands. It's been a long week for both of us! Happy Sunday!

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