Thursday, February 9, 2012

4th month update

Well, I guess Khloe is a little older than four months. For some reason, her pediatrician's office scheduled her 4 month check-up two weeks after she turned 4 months old. Anyway, we went today, and here are Khloe's stats.

Height--26 inches (95th percentile)
Weight--17 lbs. 8 oz. (greater than 95th percentile ... pretty much off of the charts)
Head Circumference--44 1/9 centimeters (17.4 inches) (95th percentile)

So, all in all, she's even ... big all over! She is lighter than Colton was at this age, but everything else is pretty much the same. Colton was 20 lbs. at 4 months. I'm thinking my milk must be made of chocolate and cheesecake--even though, I've been trying hard not to eat anything like that! Ha, ha!

The doctor said that Khloe is really healthy, and she looks great. It felt good to hear that. I'm glad she is growing well and looking so good. The doctor asked Colton how old he is ... he told her ... she said, "I forget that, because he speaks so well ... I think he's over 3!" Probably because he's big, too. We do not have scrawny kids!

I decided to edit a few more pictures from the shoot I took of Khloe. Here are a few more that I like (including the one at the beginning of this blog).
I couldn't help myself! I had to take a picture of her legs and buns! They are so chubby! She will hate this, I know.

We've been to the park a lot this week. It's been cooler since it rained, so we have been taking advantage of the weather. Colton and I have been sliding and sliding. He's not "afraid" of the slides anymore. He went through a period where he didn't want to slide, because he had gone so fast he flew off of them a few times. Now, he just slides down without any thought of sliding off. I'm glad to see him getting more courageous. Still dislikes the swings, though.

Last Sunday, we spent the Superbowl with family at Billy's cousin's house. It was fun to see some of his cousins who came down from Kansas City, too. Amber and Russell Keller were there with their kiddos, Maecy and Nolan. I hadn't seen Nolan since last May! He was so big and so cute! Maecy is a doll, as always. She was so good playing with Colton and Khloe. I can tell she's a great big sister! Billy's Uncle Gordon was there, too. He always gives the kids a dollar coin. Colton loves to put it into his piggy bank.

We, also, got to meet Ethan last weekend. He's so small! It's hard to believe Khloe was that big not too long ago. He is a sweet baby ... with a big spit-up problem! Reminds me of his cousin, Colton. That kid was a Spit-up King, too. Poor guy is fighting through jaundice right now. I'm sure they will be relieved when that's gone and taken care of. He had to spend some time in the hospital this week under some sun lamps. It was fun to hold such a little baby again.

We're headed back to Orlando this weekend. I'll be glad to finally have a weekend where we don't have to go anywhere soon. It's been busy around here since Christmas. We've had a lot of guests, and we've done plenty of driving. It doesn't look like that's going to slow down too much until mid-March, but that's okay.

Khloe caught another cold this past weekend. Well, both kids did, really. I noticed Colton sniffling a lot on Monday. Then I noticed Khloe's nose was running. Both kids have a runny nose ... and I can tell Khloe's breathing is a bit stuffy. I guess traveling and being around a lot of people can get a little one sick easily. Tiny immune systems will do that to you ... at least it's building up quite nicely. I hope it doesn't turn into a cough. She had a little cough going on this morning, but it didn't sound deep or throaty. I'm hoping it was nothing. I guess that's why she hasn't been sleeping as soundly these past few nights. It's a little restless in her room at night and during naps ... she isn't breathing too easily. The doctor said it didn't look like it was too bad--as long as she doesn't get a fever.

I'm sleepy ... so it's time to head to bed!

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