Monday, July 14, 2014

5 months-old

5 months-old
5 Month Stats
Height: 25 3/4 inches (80th percentile)
Weight: 16 lbs. 8 oz. (80th percentile)

Sometimes, I feel like Alice is still my sweet little, tiny baby that we brought home from the hospital ... and then, I see someone else holding her, and I realize that she has gotten to be such a big girl! With each child that I have had, the months move more quickly.  I don't have nearly as much time to savor each moment ... or dwell in them, as it may be.  
Love that smile!

Allie's Milestones and Skills
  • She can roll over from front to back purposefully (and back to front accidentally on purpose).
  • She can lift up onto her hands while on her tummy with her head held high.
  • She can scrunch her knees up under her hips while on her tummy (ready for crawling).
  • She can spin around in a complete circle while on her tummy.
  • She can roll several times over and end up across the room (usually from partial accidentally on purpose rolling, as well).
  • She can push herself backwards while on her tummy.
  • She can reach and grab for toys.  
  • She can sit unassisted for a couple of seconds.
  • She can hold toys in her mouth/bring them to her mouth to chew them.
  • She can laugh.
Right now, we are working on:
  • Sitting unassisted for long periods of time.
  • Moving in a forward motion to get an object regularly (whether that be army crawling or traditional crawling).
  • Rolling from tummy to back purposefully.
  • Repeating sounds ... and saying simple words.
  • Waving.
5 months is a hard one for babies ... they are beginning to move, but the baby that was once calm just laying on his/her back or sitting serenely in a swing/bouncy chair ... or even car seat ... now wants to move so badly that he/she gets terribly frustrated--not to mention the stage of rolling one way and not being able to get back can be quite angering (for both mom and baby).  Alice is in that stage right now ... factor in teething, as well, and we are at an all out stand-still when she is awake and not being held or played with.  I know that in a few short weeks, she will, most likely, be out of this stage ... but when you are in the throws of it, you sure feel like it is a never-ending battle of the wills.  But how can you stay frustrated with such an adorable face like this one!?!
I just love that expression.  I think she was wondering why I was making all of those weird sounds to get her to smile.  'Moms, they can be so strange!'
These kids love their baby sis ... and she thinks they are pretty special, too!
play time ... she loves this book ... mostly to chew on.
gnawing is her favorite pastime ... that tongue!
Mobile Milly here was laid down in her gym with her feet toward the blue octopus/couch.  She got herself rolled over several times and spun around on her tummy 180 degrees!  Watch out world, Allie is on the move.

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