Saturday, April 7, 2012


We finally got that armadillo! We set a trap on Thursday afternoon, and by Friday morning, a curious, naughty, little armadillo was caught in that trap. Here's what he did to our yard!And here's that little guy ... I'm so ready to get him away from our yard. I sure hope there isn't another one running around out there.
This was the day before when we first set the trap. Waiting game ...
And here he is ... the next morning, trapped! Ready to be taken away!

Friday, my MOMs club got together for an Easter Egg Hunt. Colton did really well ... he found more eggs than he was supposed to ... and he was pretty excited to see what was inside.
First Easter together with Brother and Sister. So cute!

We had supper on Friday night at the Adams' house. The boys swam in the pool and hot tub first. It was fun to hang out with our friends all evening.

Here's a cute video of Colton with his friend, Mason, at Sabbath School--well, this was after Sabbath School had ended.

These are the kids' Easter baskets. I bought them at JoAnns two seperate years ... but they are similar. This week, I personalized them. I embroidered their names on them. Khloe's shows up so much better than Colton's. Oh, well. He probably won't care too much when he gets older. I like how they turned out ... even if you can't really see Colton's name very well.

Khloe is getting so close to crawling. She goes backwards pretty good now, but that's usually because she's trying so hard to go forwards. She'll grab ahold of the carpet and try to pull herself, or she'll desperately try to get up on to her knees ... I was taking some pictures of her (the blouse she's wearing is too loose and doesn't allow for a great view of her upper body). She is trying to get up to her knees and has all of her body off of the ground except from her knees down and hands. Very soon ...

I'll end with a few funnies from Colton this week (I've been writing them down!).

I woke Colton up one morning this week after I had been to the gym. I put him down on the floor to change him, and as I sat down, I said, "Ah, my legs hurt." Colton responded, "My legs hurt, too!" I said, "Oh, they do? Well, my nose hurts." He said, "My nose hurts, too!" So, I said, "My eyes hurt." He said, "My eyes hurt, too!" I replied, "My hair hurts." He looked at me and said, "No, it doesn't!" I laughed so hard! I asked him if his hair hurt, and he told me no. Too funny!

At breakfast one morning this week, Colton looked into his spoon, and said, "There's a Colton." He then turned to the window and said, "There's a Colton, too!" He pointed to both as he counted and then himself ... "One, two, three Coltons! Wow, that's a lot of Coltons!" Again, he had me laughing pretty hard.

In this picture, Colton told me that this was a BIG car accident. I thought that was pretty interesting. Good creativity, Cole!

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