Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We had a good Halloween here at the Heinrich house. Colton and Khloe were very cute as a UPS driver (Colton) delivering a package (Khloe). I tried to find a way for the costumes to go together. I'm sure someday they won't want to do it that way, but for now, we like the costumes to align.

Colton had a fabulous time trick or treating! He ran up to each door, and yelled, "trick or treat!" Then he took one piece of candy, and said, "thank you!" He was in such a good mood, too. It really was a fun time! Next year will be great, too ... it will be nice to be able to really take both kids out. Khloe went around this neighborhood, but she was too tired to keep it up as long as Colton. We went around the neighborhoods with the Adams'. It is so nice to have friends around with kids the same age. Next year, there will be another Adams trick or treating, too!

I carved pumpkins for them. I can't wait until they can do it with us, but for now, I do it for them. This year, Colton picked out his picture. He wanted the spider. Khloe just got her name on her pumpkin ... that's what I did for Colton's first Halloween, too. Next year, she can pick her picture. Colton did help clean the pumpkin out. He didn't want to touch it, at first. He kept saying, "ooey, gooey!" But finally, he put his hand in there. Billy got him to count the seeds, so he wanted to put those into a cup. He ended up having a lot of fun (and so did we)!

This past weekend, we spent some time at the park together. Colton just loves to be outside, and I miss being there with him. Khloe did well ... she slept most of the time. It was really nice. Cole even had fun swinging with Daddy ... but really, he loves to push us on the swings! It is so funny to hear him laugh and laugh when he pushes us.

Yesterday, I worked hard on putting some things together in Khloe's room. I finally got her name artwork done and hung. I, also, bought a few items to put on the walls. I have a bunch of frames for one wall, but I have to wait until I get the pictures before I put them up. I will take a picture of that wall when I finish it. It's a PINK room, but I like how it has turned out.

Well, Khloe is 6 weeks old tomorrow. We are experiencing some difficulties with sleeping during the day ... I guess I should be thankful that it has only been day time sleep that is affected so far! She seems to want to take short naps right now. I know as she grows, things will iron out. It's hard to think about the light at the end of the tunnel, but as I look at Colton and how he's grown and changed, I know that Khloe will be okay (and so will I). I am thankful for GOOD FRIENDS who you can call on when you need a listening ear or good advice or someone to empathize with you. D is my dear friend, and I am glad to have had a nice conversation with her today. It's nice to know that someone else out there is rooting for you ... and you for them.

This week, we plan on having a fun lunch with Mason and Gwendy. I need to get a friend a birthday gift ... we have a party on Sunday. On Friday, we are going with Mason and Gwendy to "Mom's Club". They are going to a Fire Station! I think Colton will love that. Sounds like a fun week! Just pushing through 'till Khloe passes this growing stage ... and evens out. Ay!

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