Wednesday, October 30, 2013

why must we?

I could punch myself in the face ... seriously ... why must we, as moms or soon-to-be moms, post every article that someone has posted on the internet to support our feelings on how we raise (or would like to raise) our kids?  Why do we have to post about EVERYTHING we feel?  Why do we have to justify our beliefs and shove it in our "friends list" faces by cluttering the newsfeed with an insane number of blog posts, articles, book suggestions, etc. on the best way to raise our infants/toddlers/pre-schoolers/school aged kiddos/teenagers?

"You Should Vaccinate"/"Vaccinations are of the Devil"
"Why 'Cry It Out' is Terrible for Your Baby's Mental Health"/"Why You Should Let Your Child CIO"
"Midwives, Doulas, Birthing Centers--the Only Right Way"/"Midwives, Doulas, Birthing Centers--What Were You Thinking" 
"Vegan Veggie Kids Unite"/"Why Meat Supports Better Brain Health"
"Stay-at-Home-Moms Caring for Their Children"/"Moms Who Work--Being Great Role Models"

I mean ... honestly!  Aren't there websites where you can post your comments and thoughts for the specific group of people who agree with whatever angle you are posting for?  Isn't there a group on Facebook directly geared toward your beliefs filled with people who are boosting for your same thoughts on parenting?  Why can't you post your thoughts and feelings there, instead of on your wall where it has to show up in my newsfeed making me feel like ... maybe you think I needed to read this article.  You know what I believe and how I am raising my kids ... maybe you are trying to gently get me to see the "light" that is your belief system by posting ... posting ... and OVERPOSTING your guilt ridden, one-sided, subjective articles.

It doesn't work ... what you believe is most likely what you believe because you have done some research into it yourself.  You have read books, articles, blogs ... yourself.  You have researched and asked doctors ... yourself.  And in the end, you have come to the conclusion that the way you are parenting your kids is right for YOU and your children.  No number of FB posts are going to sway my decisions ... as I would hope, it would not sway yours.

There is no ONE right way ... we all have different kids with different needs ... we are all different mothers with different personalities ... we all have different gifts and differences in opinions.  Let's praise each other for wanting so much to care for our children and to give them the best, instead of shoveling our ideals down each other's throats in a sad attempt to change the masses to the "right way".  There is no "right way" ... only the way that is right for you.

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