Wednesday, October 30, 2013

26 weeks

26 Weeks and feeling good!
My mom says that I should write things down, so that this baby doesn't feel left out.  She is the youngest of five, so I guess she would know how it feels to have a small baby book ... and less pictures than most.  I will try to take her advice and give a little extra love to the Heinrich little.

This pregnancy has been going really well.  I feel great!  I work out (almost) daily.  I LOVE Zumba!  I try to do that 3 times a week ... with yoga, pilates, and bodyflow mixed in-between.  I think the only part that has me a little worried is that I have been LOVING sweet drinks.  I barely ever drink coffee when I'm not pregnant ... or for the matter none at all when I was pregnant with my first two.  Now, I want a sweet de-caf coffee drink every day!  I do not get one every day ... but I want one none-the-less.  I would choose water nearly every day of the week pre-pregnancy over any other type of drink ... and yet ... I want pop, juice ... and that sweet decaffeinated mocha gold.  I made up my mind to take initiative to stop all consumption of anything but water ... and a swig of OJ when I take my iron pill in the evening.  I hope that works out ... because I'm pretty sure all of the sugary drinks aren't doing me any favors.

Other than that ... I have no particular cravings ... and no particular avoidances.  Although, I dislike the smell of any kind of lotion, so I had to buy unscented lotion for people with sensitive skin.  It's the only lotion I will use or permit to be used around me.  The smell of scented lotions right now make me ill.  Though ... I still LOVE the smell of my fall candles!  Thank goodness!  That keeps me sane in the heat of the fall.

26 weeks ... and (knock on wood) no swelling ... no night insomnia ... no uncomfortable sleeping positions ... no extreme tiredness ... no extreme hunger ... no illness ... occasional heartburn, but nothing a little Tums can't handle!

We still have few ... and by few, I mean possibly one ... baby name for a girl.  We have a solid boy's name with several contenders.  We had this issue when we didn't know of Colton's gender yet, and we had this issue when we knew Khloe was going to be a girl.  Girl names are oil and water for us.  I hope we can think of at least two or three by the time he or she arrives.  It wouldn't be very nice for her not to have a name, if that's what the baby ends up being.  We'll have to battle it out sooner or later, I guess!

Onward I go ... hopefully, it's smooth sailing ... keeping my spirits up!

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