Tuesday, January 24, 2012

4 months

I just can't believe it! The holidays have ended, and little Khloe is now four months old. It's so weird for me to think that four months have already gone by. I feel like it's going much faster with Khloe than it did with Colton. I guess I don't have as much time on my hands to document every detail like I did with Cole! Khloe is such a good natured little girl. She is just the sweetest. But she is so drooly! I don't remember Colton drooling so much. He spit up constantly ... but not much for drooling. He never had to wear a bib to protect his clothes from drool. Khloe drools so much she soaks the bib and the clothes under it! It's amazing! Maybe she'll get teeth earlier than Colton did ... who knows.
This dress is from Aunt Cherrie. Isn't it too cute!?!

I had to take Khloe to the doctor a week and a half ago. I was convinced she had an ear infection. She was acting so uncomfortable and sleeping terribly! I took her in, and the doctor said that she looked great. No ear problems, lungs sounded good, etc. I felt defeated, because I was guessing that it was just her ... she was just going through some changes or growth spurt or something that was making her act so differently from her usual self. That same evening, she woke up from a nap, and she was coughing and hacking. Sure enough ... she had caught the cold that everyone had brought down from Orlando. But I did get to see what her weight had gotten to ... 16 lbs. 3 oz. I measured her last night and she came in at 26 1/2 inches. She's growing strong! We're down to four feedings/day. It feels good to be cut down to that ... and two solid naps with a cat nap before bed.

I really think she is going to start rolling over very soon. She is starting to get into that really awkward stage where when she's on her back, her head is cranked back nearly touching her back! She looks like the letter 'L'. I remember when Colton started doing that, it wasn't too much longer before he finally kicked himself over. I hope she does soon! I know that I don't want her to get all mobile on me too quickly or wish any of these stages away, but it's so fun when they meet milestones!

So ... this past weekend (on Friday), we bought a new car! I'm very excited! We traded the XTerra in for a Buick Enclave. It's a 2008, but it's fully loaded. There really were only a couple of upgrades I was looking for ... and those were better accessibility getting Cole and Khloe in and out of the car, more space between the front seats and the middle row (so Colton would stop kicking the front seat), and a third row to fit more people. We got those ... and more than we could ask for. We found it at a Lincoln dealer. The guy said that it was an older couple's second car, and he wanted to trade it for a Lincoln MKX. It had super low mileage, and it was just the right price. I'm so happy to have all of the upgrades. I never knew what I was missing. I am still finding new amazing treats that this car has for me. Colton loves the DVD player--I know I will appreciate that this summer! Anyway, we are blessed to have a new car, and we are enjoying it very much. I'm thankful for Billy for finding it and for everything working out that allowed us to get a new one.

Okay ... I was taking Khloe's dress off of her on Saturday night to get her into her jammies. And this happened by accident. Doesn't she look like Fraulein Maria from The Sound of Music? It's so funny! We laughed and laughed.
"How do you solve a problem like, Maria!?!"

For Christmas, Colton got this Mater bubble truck from Grandpa and Grandma Reynolds. He had no idea at the time that it blew bubbles when you pushed it (mostly because that would make it an outside toy, and he was enjoying pushing it around inside). So, I finally put the bubbles into the toy, and he pushed it all around the neighborhood yesterday. He had a grand time! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the cool truck! It was funny to watch him watch the bubbles blow out to the side as he ran with it. The faster he pushed the faster the bubbles poured out. It was very cute!
He kept stopping to clear the bubble build up ... and I think he was hoping bubbles would come out of it while he was close to the hole where they blew out!

We were pretty busy today. Billy did most of the work cleaning out and reorganizing the garage. I helped a little bit. Billy and Brian Adams worked on getting our house surround sound working. Thanks, Brian! (And thanks to Gwendy for lending him while she's at home with a toddler and 39 weeks pregnant ready to have the baby any minute!) We got the house picked up, and we ran a few errands. It was a busy day! But now we can relax before the week begins again.
Daddy and Colton hanging out this weekend watching some cartoons.
Colton asked me for a Frosty the Snowman pancake with eyes made out of coal for breakfast this morning. He specifically asked for "eyes made out of coal". I love that kid!

I always miss having Billy around during the day when it's the week days, but ... on this, the last full week of January, I will try to give much needed attention to some of my projects. And I do have a few that need some attention!

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