Saturday, January 21, 2012

happy birthday daddy & one last Christmas

The day we got back from Oregon, Billy's sister, Debbie, and her family along with his parents arrived for a mini-after-Christmas celebration. I had left all of my Christmas decorations up, so it would feel more like the holidays ... even though it was January 4th!

It was so fun having Billy's sister here with her baby girl, Elle. I haven't seen her in person since she was only nearly a couple of months old. Now, she is 9 months old, and she was wanting to go, go, go! She is such a sweet little girl with such a happy personality. She's is always wanting to move and doesn't have time to sit still. I love it! She was really thrilled with Colton's toys, so I'm glad to know she had a good time, too. We really enjoyed having them here to visit--even if it was only for a short time.
Sweet Elle!

I hadn't gone to the grocery store in two weeks when they arrived, and I was feeling so tired! But Billy's Dad got a list going, and he went out for me. I was glad not to have to face the grocery store after we just got back from flying all night long! We scraped together some haystacks--always a favorite! It was fun opening up some more gifts with the family.
Uncle Alan opening his (very belated) birthday gift.
Elle meeting Khloe ... they'll be good friends.
Cole giving Cousin Elle hugs. So sweet!
Grandma with Colton and Khloe ... she opened her birthday gift from them. A cool mug!
Uncle Alan hanging out with Khloe.
Colton found Khloe's Christmas present ... a baby doll. He took really good care of her!
Khloe with Aunt Debbie.
Billy with his niece, Elle.
Brother and sister with their nieces.
All of the cousins on the Heinrich side. Khloe-3 1/2 months, Elle-9 months, Colton-2 years

Billy's parents stayed with us for nearly a couple of weeks. They would've stayed for exaclty two weeks, but since Billy's oldest sister, Cherrie, is getting married in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands this May, they had to go down there for three days to look at some hotels and possible wedding locations. While they were here visiting, we got tons of work done at our house. The TV cabinet was expanded to fit our TV. We put cabinets up in the laundry room. Billy's Dad added a light fixture to our garage. Two light kits were put in to two different fans in our house. The back Florida room was pressure washed. A back screen door had a threshold replacement. And some weeds were killed and picked in the front yard. Plus, Grandma and Grandpa got plenty of quality time with both grandkids.
Grandpa Heinrich reading a bedtime story to Cole.
Grandma H playing trains with Cole.
Grandma and Grandpa Heinrich with their grandkids--Colton, Elle, and Khloe.
Before ... you can kind of see the opening and how small it is.
This is the built-in in the middle of construction. The inside had to be cut to fit our TV--as it was originally made for a box TV.
The finished product! We are so excited to have this all completed. Thanks, Dad H!

Billy's birthday was January 6th. He got some very nice gifts from people. One gift he got from me, Colton and Khloe was a weed-eater attachment to his Stihl yard thing. He was pretty excited about that ... yay for weed-eating, I guess. I made him a blueberry pie for his birthday, by request. And we had a nice meal. On Sunday night, we left the kids with Grandpa and Grandma Heinrich, and we went to Cinebistro--which if you remember from a previous blog is dinner inside the movie theater while you watch a movie. We saw Sherlock Holmes. It was nice to have an evening out to celebrate without the kids. Thanks Mom and Dad H!
Billy with his birthday homemade blueberry pie--fresh from the oven, hence the oven mitts.
Billy with some of his birthday gifts. He was pretty excited about them.

One Sabbath afternoon while Billy's parents were here, Billy and his Dad went to the park to throw a baseball around. When they got to there, they saw a huge elephant! Some kid was having a birthday party, and they ordered elephant rides and a petting zoo. They rushed back to get Colton up from his nap. Colton got to ride the elephant with Billy and pet a baby cow. It was pretty cool! He liked it a lot ... so did Colton! (Ha, ha!)
Elephant riding! (We don't know who that lady with the baby is ... just another party guest, I suppose.)
Colton wasn't too sure about the baby cow. But Daddy helped him to see the cow was nice ... still, he kept his eye on that cow!

Khloe has been growing so much! And she now can keep an eye on Colton. She likes to sit in her bumbo chair to see what's going on around her. I'm sure she'll start rolling over soon. She seems like she's getting there when she lays on the floor. Here are some recent pictures of Khloe ... and Colton, too.
I'm loving that BIG smile!
Khloe was having fun watching Colton race the cars down the track. First time "playing" together!

Billy's parents went back to Orlando on Friday. It's sad when family has to go, but at least they're still in FL ... and we'll get to see them soon--Brenda will be having her baby soon. She's due January 31. We may go up next Sabbath--baby or not. We'll see. We've had a full past month with traveling and hosting family. It's nice to have a restful weekend!

Happy Sabbath!

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