Saturday, October 1, 2011

one week down ...

It's been a little while since my last post. Partly, because I have a newborn in the house again--with a toddler this time. But mostly, because our computer is down for the count, and I have to use Billy's work computer to blog, upload pictures, etc.

Here's Khloe's first week/month picture ... she seems so tiny ... but everyone keeps telling me she's so big for one week! I guess when you've had Colton around for nearly two years, it's hard to imagine 9lbs 4 oz as big!
First month photo--one week!

This past week has been very different from our lives these past 21 months. With just Colton, we had routine ... we had familiarity ... we had schedules. Now, I can't even pick my boy up! I think that's what I dislike the most. Right now, we are using a step-ladder for me to assist Colton in and out of the crib and onto the changing table, as well as, up and down into his high chair. I think we may return the step-ladder and use a chair. We'll see how it goes tomorrow when I test that theory out. Colton has been a fabulous big brother. He always asks about Khloe, and he wants to know where she is at all times. He plays peek-a-boo with her, and he always wants to give her a hug and a kiss. Tonight, when we were putting Cole to bed, I had Khloe in my arms. She sneezed, and he said, "Bless you, Khloe." For whatever reason, it warms my heart. He will share his toys with her and say, "This is for Khloe. I sharing." Or he will bring her blanket to her and say, "Here Khloe, this is your pink blanket." I know he is anxious for her to be at an age where they can play, but for now, he's been a model big brother. I am so proud of him for that.
Colton wants to hold her hand and say 'hi'.
He decided that he wanted to give her tickles!
This is the toy that he wanted to share with her. Isn't it so cute?!

My Mom left on Thursday. I have been mourning her departure. It is really hard not having her around. She basically took complete care of Colton, and she made all of the meals. Just having her here for questions and support was wonderful, too. I find myself feeling at a loss sometimes, and I wish my Mom was here to make that feeling go away. I know that with each passing day and week, it will get easier and easier. I remember how tough it was with Colton, at first. Until I got that schedule down, and he was ready to make a general schedule on his own, it was pretty tough. I think we nailed down a decent schedule around 5 weeks. I have been trying to get Khloe on her own schedule. Of course, since she's still a newborn, she sleeps so much that it makes it difficult to stick to a real schedule. We do E.A.S.Y. (eat, activity, sleep, you--or me time). So far, it's going well ... it's just that she takes 5 naps a day! I guess I should be thankful, but I am such a schedule person, that I can't wait until she's at 3 naps with regular feeding times and a bed time ... and of course, sleeping through the night! Last night, she slept 8:30 pm to 1:00 am ... fed and slept again from 1:30 am to 7:00 am. I can do that! I wanted to get her to bed again at 8:30, but we went to our friends house for dinner. We didn't get back until after 9:00 pm ... so she didn't get to bed until 10:00 pm after she ate her late night meal. I hope she'll still sleep for 5 hours and get up only once! I know she's only a week old, but I am hoping for the best right away ... and I am doing my best to groom her that way. She eats every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the day--no matter what--so she doesn't confuse her days and nights.

We have really been enjoying having Khloe. Billy can't wait for her to get to an age where she can play. I like this age ... it's so snuggly! Colton only snuggles with me when he's sick. I miss the hugs and cuddles. This little girl is a snuggle bear, so I am getting my fill of love.
Snuggling with Mommy.
Sunggling with Daddy.
She had her 1 week doctor's appointment on Wednesday this week. She gained her birth weight back ... she's 9lbs. 3 oz. (1 oz. shy of her birth weight). I am taking her to get checked one more time next week, and if all goes well, she won't go back to the doctor until her 2 month check-up. She's only going in again next week, because they hadn't recieved her information from the hospital, yet. So, they wanted to see her after they got all of that info. Plus, Colton will get his flu shot that same day. I'm sure he'll hate it. I'll have to get him a sucker ... that was always the best part about going to the doctor when I was little.

Khloe didn't really enjoy her first bath, but she did much better getting ready for her second bath. She pretty much screamed through the first one but was very photogenic for the second one. I love her little bathrobe! So sweet!
Her first bath.
A little more relaxed.

Colton's pink eye went away about 4 days after we came home last week. Poor guy ... he couldn't officially meet Khloe until he wasn't contagious anymore. All is well now ... and he's just as funny and clever as ever. We found some Disney books at a garage sale, and he is loving them! I love to see him growing and learning. He's such a smarty pants! Right now, he is in LOVE with Jungle Book. He walks around the house singing, "Oh, we march-a-dairy-dare ... 1, 2 pick it up ..." Which translates into, "Ho, the aim of our patrol is a question rather droll, for to march and drill over field and hill is a military goal! Is a military goal! Hup 2, 3, 4 ... Keep it up 2, 3, 4!" But it's rather cute to hear Colton's version ... especially because lately he has been singing it all day long. Also, since Grandma Bourland bought him some animals at Target, he sings it while he plays with the elephant. It's VERY cute!
He's, also, been enjoying The Lion King. We found a scratched DVD at Goodwill that works pretty well. Colton still enjoys it even though I have to fast forward through the scratched parts.
He has, also, been very interested in the baby gear that has come out this week. I have moved a lot of Colton's old toys and gear out of storage this week for Khloe. I think he's more interested in it now than he was when he was her age! He really loves the bouncy chair. This is how I found him one morning.
Such a funny guy sitting in the baby's chair. He likes the fish!

On Wednesday this past week, it was Khloe's 1 week birthday. We celebrated by having a picnic and by having blueberry pie with a candle in it. We did this with Colton, too ... but I think we had mixed berry pie, instead. Khloe seemed to like it! (Well, not that she had any!) Colton did, too ... he blew out the candle for Khloe.
Brother and sister on her special 1 week birthday!
Our picnic food.
Colton is enjoying the corn on the cob we had for our picnic meal.
This is Khloe's pie. She seems enthused about it.
Colton is blowing out the candle for Sissy.

It's weird to think that we are a family of 4 now, but I am so thankful for what God has blessed us with. It's going to be difficult getting used to all of this, but I wouldn't have it any other way. And from what I remember, the difficult stages (and the not-so-difficult stages) don't last that long, anyway.
I already can't imagine life without her.

While my Mom was here, we put up my fall decorations. We, also, got some more decor at Michael's that I didn't get a chance to put up until now. I got the fall garland put on top of my kitchen cabinets. I need to get one more strand, but I think it still looks good even without the extra needed strand. I didn't get a picture of all of my fall decor, so I'll have to post the rest later this week ... hopefully, after I get the house cleaned up. It's been a bit neglected over this past week! I guess I've been distracted.
I, also, got a plant at a garage sale for 75 cents! I think it looks great there.

Well, catching up sure takes a long time. Before I know it, Khloe will be up for her middle of the night feeding. I better get going! I hope I can keep up more often now that I can use Billy's work computer. This week, we have a lot going on ... kids' doctor's appointments, my doctor's appointment, flying to Kansas City for my sister's wedding this Friday ... lots to do ... I feel a little overwhelmed.

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