Saturday, October 22, 2011

pumpkin patch and cooler weather--it must be fall in Florida!

Today was a fun day! We went to a pumpkin patch that had farm animals, hay bales, hay rides, corn mazes, and fall festival activities. It was super fun to get out in this fabulous weather we've been having and to enjoy the fall festivities! Colton really enjoyed seeing the animals and climbing on the hay bales. At first, he did not like touching the hay, but eventually, he found that he liked climbing on them too much ... so he dealt with touching them anyway.
Colton found a monster truck! As he said, "It's a Big Daddy Monster Truck!"

He saw so many animals and got to touch them, too. We saw a cow, chickens, pigs, and goats. Cole even got to milk a pretend cow!
Colton milks a fake cow!
We saw Rosie Moo Moo, the real cow. She even licked me and tried to eat my sleeve. It was pretty funny
Hanging out with the cow.
And the cow licks me!

We got a pumpkin for Colton, and I can't wait to carve it for him. I'm going to let him pick out what goes on the pumpkin. Last year, I carved his name into his pumpkin. I'll do that to Khloe's pumpkin this year. First Halloween tradition in the Heinrich house!

Yesterday, it was Khloe's one month birthday! We celebrated by taking pictures of her in the outfit I made for her for my sister's wedding, and then we ate delicious chocolate cake that I made. (It really was decadant!) I can't believe one month has gone by already ... and yet, it's so very nice! Since the night before her one month mark, she has slept better than ever, gone down to sleep with ease, and stayed asleep once put down ... until feeding time, that is! This is a huge milestone, and one that I have welcomed with excitement and joy. The thing I disliked the most during the first month (and after the initial newborn sleep phase) was that once I put Khloe down, she would wake up 10 minutes later or right away. She didn't want to go down, and it would take me nearly an hour (sometimes longer) to get her down for a nap or at night for bedtime. Since she turned one month old, she has changed almost instantly. It has been wonderful! I rock her to near sleep (or to sleep), set her down in her crib, and she stays asleep. What a novel concept! I'm glad she got the memo. I, also, see her schedule forming. She is showing me when she needs to eat, play, and sleep, and that makes my life a million times easier. She can even stay awake for 20 minutes or so ... happy ... and "play"/look in her swing or the gym. I am starting to feel much better about having a new baby in the house. Here are some pictures from her one month birthday.
What an angel!

We got a few fun items in the mail this week! A big THANK YOU to my sister's-in-law, Cherrie and Debbie, for my birthday gifts. I love the sweater and shirt from The Loft, Cherrie! I even got to wear the sweater today, since the weather has been so nice. And Debbie, thank you so much for the gift card to Barnes. I already bought a book! I'm excited to read while I pump or feed Khloe. I, also, got a nice gift from my in-laws. I got a cute sports outfit (jacket and pants). I should be able to use it quite a bit this winter. They fit great! I already wore the jacket on an evening walk this week. Then today, Steph and Andy (and AJ) Larson sent Khloe and Colton some gifts. It was SO nice of them to remember Cole. He got a fun Christian CD and a Veggie Tales DVD. He is very excited to watch Bob and Larry!

And Khloe got some adorable onesies and bibs. Thank you guys! We are lucky to have such thoughtful friends.

I love getting mail! It makes my day ... and this month with a new baby and my birthday, it has been a mail kind of month. I have been in heaven!

This week is the last full week of October (my favorite month of the year). Can you believe it? I am so shocked that it is getting nearer and nearer to Thanksgiving. I guess when you have a lot going on, time flies without you realizing it. This week, we don't have much planned. We'll probably hang out with Brian, Gwendy, and Mason a little bit. I am looking forward to Halloween and seeing Colton enjoy it really for the first time--even though it's his second Halloween. Billy plans on getting him (and himself) a lot of candy!

Tomorrow, we have a few errands to run, but it should be a pretty relaxing day. Hopefully, we'll get a chance to head to the pool or park area here in our neighborhood. I'm just loving this weather!

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