Thursday, July 7, 2011

5-year anniversary and babymoon trip

I can't believe it either ... Billy and I have been married for 5 years already! It makes me feel like the older I get, the faster time flies. I seriously feel like I just got married, but here I sit, with one baby in the oven and the other resting soundly for his daily nap. Two kids and 5 years of marriage and adventure! I wouldn't have wanted to spend these past five years with anyone else.

Our actual anniversary date is July 9, but we decided to head out over the 4th of July weekend with some friends to the Island of Captiva here in Florida off of the southern gulf coast. It was beautiful! The water at the beach was perfect--warm and calm. Billy and I joked that we were at a "Miriam" beach ... it was full of shells. (Miriam is Billy's sister, Cherrie's close friend who loves to collect shells on the beach.)

On Thursday last week (the day after I got back from the month-long traveling), we did laundry, repacked, and headed off to our friend's, the Adams, house. Our good friend, Mark Murrill, was in town interviewing for a potential job, so we were lucky enough to have dinner with him at Red Robin that night. It's always good to see Mark ... though, I wish Steph could've been there, too.

The next morning, we leisurely got up, got groceries, and headed out to Captiva Island. Here's a view of the Island as we crossed the bridge from the mainland.
This view is beautiful, and I didn't even catch the prettiest part in time.

Friday night, we went out to the beach and relaxed. It was so nice to be on vacation with our whole family this time, and we love being with the Adams ... so it was a great start to the weekend.
Our hotel from the beach... we're on the left side.
This picture reminds me of a painting my Grandma Lillian painted of a beach scene. I love the beach grass!
Such a beautiful beach.
The sunset was incredibly beautiful!
Colton with Daddy at the beach.
Our family on our family vacation ... I love this!
5 Years Married!!!
Billy enjoying the quiet sea and the sunset.
Uncle Brian takes the kids on a magic basket ride ... Colton is not a fan.
Mason and Colton having fun playing in the laundry basket.
A little bath time fun to end the day.

Sabbath morning, we got up, and it was raining! So, we packed up the kids and went to an Imaginarium. It's a hands-on museum/aquarium where the kids could touch rays, look at some animals, and play with some cool science based toys. Colton and Mason weren't too keen on touching the rays. They just wanted to look at them. I touched one ... it felt different than I thought it would. It was kind of soft and squishy! I thought it would be much harder than it actually was. It was super cool to pet them.
A little boy wants to be just like his Daddy!
Such cute smiles!
Just looking ... they won't touch the rays.
We also saw some snakes, lizards, frogs, parrots, fish, alligators, and spiders. Then the boys went and played with shopping carts and cars and trucks for another hour or so. Even Uncle Brian got in on the action and had a puppet show for the boys.
Colton can see the alligator!
Do you see the HUGE snake? We're lucky Billy even got this close!
Colton enjoyed the bright, loud parrot!
Taking a closer look at an alligator.
Colton and Mason taking a closer look at the alligators.
The boys look at the fish. Colton would really like it if we owned a fish tank ... hmmm ... he may just have to visit Uncle Brian to see his fish instead.
Daddy and Colton having fun!
Daddy and Colton play with the cars and trucks! I think this was Colton's favorite part.
Uncle Brian's puppet show. Watch out Lamb Chops!
This is Colton's new book about bugs! He loves it!
Isn't it pretty cool!?!
The Imaginarium was a pretty cool place. It's something that we would take our kids to more often, if there was one closer to Tampa or Orlando. The boys seemed to really like it. After the museum, we had lunch at P.F. Chang's, and then we headed back to the hotel. The rain had stopped by this time, so we took the boys back out to the beach and then the pool for some fun in the sun!
Playing in the sand with Daddy.
Mason and Brian swimming in the pool!
Billy throwing Colton up into the air! He loved it.
Brian, Mason, Billy, and Colton swimming together.
Big cheesy smile from two boys who love to be in the water.
Enjoying swimming with Daddy.
Coming up from swimming under the water.
Big jump into the pool!
Blowing bubbles in the water with Daddy.

Sunday morning was bright and sunny, so we headed out to the main pool area to swim and enjoy the water slides. I couldn't take part in the water slide fun ... sometimes being pregnant is no fun. But Billy seemed to enjoy the fast and straight slide. It was a fabulous day to be at the pool. After lunch, the guys took care of the kids, and Gwendy and I went to shop. We found a cute store called "Giggles" where everything was 50% OFF! So, we bought a couple of books ... and I got a Moby wrap for $20! What a steal of a deal! While we were gone, the boys got rained out at the beach, so we got a special treat ... when we both got home, the kids were bathed and ready for bed! How nice! Before sunset, Billy and I went on a walk on the beach--just the two of us. It was nice to have some alone time, and we're thankful that Brian and Gwendy offered to watch Colton for us. It was a beautiful sunset on the beach!
Just the two of us.
Billy and Tasha--5 years happily married.
Me at 29 weeks pregnant ... one of my three pregnancy pictures! Great background for it, though.
Beautiful sunset with a good looking guy. What a nice picture!
Billy's BIG JUMP!
I know ... seven months pregnant ... not the brightest to be jumping around. But it was fun! I paid for it in achy muscles later.
Such a gorgeous sunset!
That night, we played Rook, and Billy won ... I took second! (We played "call partner" so it was an individual win.) I love game night with friends.

Monday morning, we headed down to the beach for one more dip in the ocean. It was so much fun to be able to relax with friends!
Daddy and son walking into the water together.
Brian, Mason, Billy and Colton enjoying the beach.
One more shot of a beautiful beach and ocean.
Me enjoying the beach and relaxing away.
Colton enjoys walking through some big waves! :)
Getting some last minute sand digging in with his buddy, Mason.

On the way home from the Island, we stopped at a great outlet mall ... and I picked up a few items for the kids. I got them some cute shoes. Colton needed some Sabbath sandals that fit, and Sissy Wally got some cute shoes, too! Once we got back to Tampa, Billy and I took a look at a home for sale that has good potential for our family. We'll have to see how everything works out. We're just praying for God to lead us!

It was a great weekend, and it was so relaxing to have family and friends around to share it with. I am very happy to be married to Billy, and I am looking forward to the years to come!


  1. I wish I could have seen you! I get so jealous of Mark sometimes:) I love the pic of you jumping! It's so cute. I will be praying for God's blessings on you as you make this big move! You are one strong momma and will do great! Hopefully we will join you soon:) Praying!!!
