Thursday, July 21, 2011

"i'm still eating!"

I just can't get over how big Colton is getting. He has been talking in sentences for about 3 weeks, and they get bigger and more elaborate as the days go by. The funniest part is seeing how his personality is shaping through his language. Today, we were at Target buying a gift for a friend's birthday. We were looking at Tonka trucks, and I saw something that I knew Colton would love. It was a Tonka truck system for his little trucks ... they drive down ramps back and forth until they speed out of the bottom. As soon as Colton saw it, he said, "WHOA!!!! I like this one! I like this one, Mommy!" It just makes me laugh out loud. Then, at lunch today, he was taking forever to eat his sandwich. I said, "Are you done, Colton?" He said, "No, Mommy! I'm still eating." I love to see these changes, and I love to hear him talk ... but as I think about it, I'm sad, too. I know that he's growing up and that makes me miss him being just a little baby. When I ask him, " Colton, are you Mommy's baby or big boy?" He always says, "BIG BOY!" And he is ... as he looks at me from across the room while reading his book and says to me, "What does the skunk say? Skunk say P.U.!!!"

On a house note, the realtor came by yesterday to take some pictures. Upon talking to him about the value of our house and what we should list it at ... it was good to hear that he had come to the exact same number as Billy! So, we listed the house. Now, we have to wait for the Big 3 to come in our favor. #1--we have to have a buyer who wants to buy our house at a price above our mortgage balance. #2--we have to have a good home inspection. #3 (and most importantly)--we have to have a decent appraisal ... above our mortgage price! If we can meet those three obstacles and make it through ... then we have a good chance. We are so ready to be done with this house. It has been a fabulous home! We really loved living here, but selling a home is horrible ... in this market. I don't like the stress that comes with it. Plus, as we embark on owning another home ... it's much easier to only have one house at one time. Let the people come! We are ready for them.

Stop by to see our MLS listing, if you want to. There are some bad grammatical errors in the description, but I didn't write it up! Maybe that only bothers me. I don't know. Anyway ... better get some things done around here. Always something to do ...

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