Sunday, July 24, 2011

happy 1st birthday, mateo!

Today, Colton and I went to his friend Mateo's first birthday party. (Billy couldn't go, because he had Town Hall meetings at work all day.) It was so cute! It was an adorable photographer/camera theme ... which, if you know Tim and Magally, is perfect for their little family. The decorations turned out perfectly, and the cake was themed just right--as made by Mateo's Aunt Kim! It was really an adorable party, and we had a lot of fun. Colton was excited to go see "Mateo", but whenever he said, "Happy Birthday, Mateo!" It really was, "Happy Birthday, Tomato!" Someday, he'll get that. It was fun to see friends who we will really miss when we move to Tampa. I found out while I was there that another girl, Lisa, is having her baby 2 days after mine ... well, I say that, but that's her due date ... she could have hers a week before mine! Who knows! It's funny, because she already has a little boy, and she's having a girl ... just like me. And ... we're delivering at the same hospital, and we have the same doctor ... so who knows! Kind of a small, little world.
This is the sweet invitation. The party decorations matched perfectly! It really was a cute theme. They did a great job!
The birthday boy, Mateo! Isn't his outfit the cutest? I guess his grandma made him that onesie. I love it!
The crew of kids at the party. It was funny to see all of the parents/family members singing "The Wheels on the Bus" to get the kids to look at the camera and not to cry.
Mateo with his smash cake. It was banana flavored, but he didn't seem to interested in getting dirty enough to smash into it! His Aunt Kim made it and the big cake. They were both very cute!
Still trying to get him to take a good bite of the cake. He was so proper!
Here are both of the cakes. His Aunt is holding the big cake. What a great job she did! They both look fabulous! (and the big cake tasted delicious ... it was coconut.)
This was the give away from the party--a very cute book and cookies! Aren't the cookies adorable!?! They were very tasty, too. Great work, Magally & Tim!

On Friday night, we had a long delayed dinner with our friends, the Ellis'. We had just what I didn't know I was craving ... Korean food. It was SUPER delicious! I wish I had my camera with me for dinner. I would've taken some pictures of our scrumptious meal. I am so sad that I didn't get any. It was really nice to see Dave, Mellie, and Mei Mei ... after a long trip to the mid-west and getting our house in order to sell, I hadn't seen them in nearly 2 months! Colton was definitely missing Mei Mei, and it was topped off with a lovely meal. I haven't had Korean food in almost two years, so I definitely enjoyed myself. Everyone ordered something delicious, and we all shared our food ... so it was especially yummy!

I had made some tasty summer treat dessert that we enjoyed after our meal, too. It was just right! A strawberry fruit pizza. Delish! The strawberries have been great this season. I have really enjoyed them.

This weekend, we had some visitors walking through our home to see if they wanted to make this their new home. It's nice to have people walking through already ... since, we only just listed our house on Thursday. Hopefully, one or more of them will want to give us a good offer ... and even more hopefully, we'll get a FANTASTIC appraisal. We're praying for one! (When the time comes.)

My Mom told me that she booked her flight to come when the baby is born! I am SO excited!!! She is coming for two weeks! September 15-29. I am more than thrilled that she will be here to help out. Then it won't be but another 10 days or so and I'll see her again at my Sister's wedding. I'm very happy to be getting help from her and that she'll be able to be here during those rough few first weeks. The hardest part is knowing when this little girl will come! If I end up needing to have a c-section ... which I am hoping against--primarily for recovery reasons ... it will be an easy date plan. Otherwise, I guess I'll join the millions and billions of women out there who are surprised the day their baby decides to join the world. I just want my Mom to be there for as long as possible with the baby being born. I guess I'll have to hope that it happens on-time or early.

Anyway ... here's to a start to another busy week! Let's hope it's not quite as crazy as last week!


  1. Where do you go for Korean food?

  2. We went to a Korean place in Longwood. It's called Korea House. It's off of 434 by another restaurant called Ali Baba's. It was really good Korean.
