Wednesday, May 4, 2011

pete and repeat

It's so funny to sit here and listen to Colton play with his talking toys. He used to just push the buttons and move on. Now, he pushes the buttons and repeats everything he hears. "Triangle", "Bottle", "Up", "Goodbye", "Doorbell", "Let's Explore", "Let's Go Home" ... I didn't even realize that this toy made half of those sounds, but now that I hear Colton's mynah bird impression, I see that these are good learning toys. I should've known this was coming ... he mimics Billy and me all of the time. This morning when he laid down for his nap he said, "Night, night, Peanut!" It's funny what things he retains.

Yesterday, I tackled the job of cleaning up the garage. Now, it may not look like I have done much, but you should've seen it before I started. Not to mention, you have to remember that it is a regular garage/a storage unit. Eventually, I am going to have to move the things out of the guest room closet into the garage. Billy is not looking forward to adding more things to our garage storage.

We also picked some of our first ripe raspberries yesterday. Here's one of them. It was super tart ... so I'm not sure it was really quite ripe, yet. Billy can't help himself.

I have decided I have taken on too many projects. I want to do all of them, but I added to my list last night while I was looking for things to decorate Sissy Wally's room. I realized that half of the things I want to buy, I can make. I will probably wait to take on these projects until after my June road trip, but once I start, I will have a lot to do.

Well, I better get the stir-fry we're having for dinner finished. Billy just came home!


  1. I totally understand the "too many projects" sentiment. I am thinking I am going a little overboard myself. But that's what frugal mamas do! Our kids will love, years from now, that we made it all...hopefully! I've been super busy, but I've been meaning to tell you that I really like the fabrics for your quilt! They are all super cute.

  2. So I have to say, I was a little freaked out by the doll. I had to click on the picture to enlarge it because I didn't think you put Colton in a dress, so I thought you had a visitor in your garage checking out your work.

  3. That's so funny, Mellie! Yeah, because I know it's a doll, I never think of what other people might think when they see her. Just a scary doll living in my garage!

    Yes, Steph, we have signed on to many do-it-yourself projects, but you're right ... our kids will appreciate it someday. About that fabrics, I was going to tell you the same thing. I love your orange hues in the fabrics you chose. Very cute!
